* New Opening Apply Below *
Wanted: Real Estate Apprentice (Wholesaler)
Experienced 20+ year real estate investment company is seeking 3 new applicants for a Real Estate Investor Apprentice (Wholesaler).
This is your opportunity to get paid to learn the business. It's is not a coaching program, daycare, or mentoring. This is hands-on learning where you get to work from home.
Seriously, if you need a babysitter to motivate you or are highly "needy", this is NOT FOR YOU.
We are seeking 3 additional highly motivated, PROFESSIONAL individuals to learn the business and expand into several new markets.
The successful applicant will be trained and become responsible to find, negotiate and coordinate wholesale flips. The work schedule is flexible so you'll be able to work from home but, this position is not for everyone and there are a few requirements
What We Are Looking For
We are looking for:
- Character, honesty and integrity
- Nice and enjoyable to work with (NO grumpy people)
- A self-starter that likes to work hard for the reward
- Willingness to learn and "get out of the box"
-Motivated by money and willing to work for it
- Organized, able to manage a calendar and be on time to appointments
- Good people skills, friendly
- Probably more and we can flush that out in the interview
You must have:
- Working, high speed internet access
- Laptop (must be computer literate)
- 4 hrs/day minimum (between 9 - 5 or 6 - 10 pm)
- A marketing budget ($500 - $1000/m)
How The Apprentice Position Works
With our guidance, training, and direction, you will:
- Generate new seller leads every day
- Build a cash buyers list to sell deals
- Review and follow-up on new leads
- Call, follow-up with and talk to sellers
- Make offers and fill out paperwork
- Talk with buyers & "sell" wholesale deals
- Follow-up and coordinate closings
What You Get From Us
We will:
Provide you access to our cutting edge software and leads system. Provide you with training, guidance and direction to find, flip and fund wholesale deals. This isn't about you "getting some new system". This is about us making money together doing deals.
You finally won't be on your own. You'll have our help and the support of my business behind your success.
The way it works is simple, and only 3 steps:
(1) Apply
(2) Interview and
(3) Get Accepted -- only 3 more spots are currently available.
During the interview we will discuss:
- Marketing Budget. You need a budget of no less than $500 a month for the next 3 months (i.e. $1,500 set aside up front to get started).
- Monthly Expenses. You'll need to be able to pay for a leads/research budget of approximately $200 - $300/m. In addition to the "marketing budget" noted above.
- "Your Commitment Deposit". You'll make a small investment up front to compensate for our time in helping you set-up your business and systems. Because this is NOT coaching, the investment is smaller than you're probably thinking.
...Then, if we decide to work together, we'll show you exactly what to do to get sellers calling, find cash buyer leads, and close deals so we can flip houses and make money together.
We Get Paid On Deal Splits - Here's How It Works
You will work on 100% commission and you'll only split profits AFTER you've paid yourself back the initial investment.
I think that's a pretty fair way to go. We each make a mutual commitment to each other and, once you've done your part and paid yourself back the initial investment, we'll split profits from there ...(until then, you keep 100%).
The initial investment is very small (almost not even a consideration) compared to the "real money" that can be made doing deals. But, don't waste your time or ours if you're not serious and ready to make a commitment...
I'm already doing deals in several markets and have been doing deals for nearly 20+ years. Bottom line: I know what works.
We are experienced real estate investors headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado and specialize in buying off-market properties nationwide.